Thursday, March 10, 2011

After You Purchase E-Books From Astraea Press

So you are surfing the web and you found the wonderful, amazing, fabulous (ok I'll stop now) Astraea Press website.  You've been shopping around, picked out your books, and paid. Now what? Well that's what we are going to address today.

  • The email address that you used to fill out your order form will be the address the e-book will come too or if you used PayPal it will be the PayPal email you used.
  •  Two emails will come. The first will be a receipt of your purchase.
  • The second email will be a list of links for the book you bought. It will look something like this...

  • The next step is to decide what kind of file format you want. This will depend on your E-book reader device, such as Kindle, Nook, Ipad etc. I'm not going to get into all that today but here's a link that will explain the different e-book file types that you can reference
  • Last but not least make sure you make a backup copy of your email and save your receipt. It helps if you have any problems in the future and have to contact us. 

So dear readers have you ever had any problems with e-book file formats? Have any questions? Leave them in the comments below and I will try to answer them.


1 comment:

  1. My biggest issue has been trying to find out if surrent authors are published in Sony e-reader format. Astraea press seems to be pretty clear about formatting though, which is nice. ^^
